[GRASSLIST:9146] Updating Stereo

Trevor Wiens twiens at interbaun.com
Fri Nov 18 13:55:55 EST 2005

Last February I had posted a message indicating that I had won a
contract to update the interface for Stereo. I then later got some code
from Erik Rasmussen and Bob Davis-Jones (both with NOAA) for improving
the calculation of the rotation matrix for ordinary cameras (without
fiducial marks). We started but due to the strangeness of the
government budget cycles we couldn't finish. Then about a week ago I
posted a note indicating that there would be money and we would be
restarting development. Well, thanks to events beyond my control,
Environment Canada (EC) has discovered that they probably won't have
any money this year to finish the work so this puts everything on hold

Part of me is inclined to finish the work anyway because there has been
sufficient interest that I would like to see people use the product. My
problem is this. If it is finished and released under GPL license like
I intend to do, then if EC does get the money, they will have a hard
time justifying paying for something they can download and use. For
those of you unaware of the current political climate there has been a
huge federal scandal about giving contracts to friends which means
there are now in place all sorts of complicated rules about giving
contracts, etc. We are going to have a federal election soon and a
change of government because of this probably early in the new year.

It is not that I'm unwilling to share, but I wouldn't have started the
project without a contractual impetus, because it isn't something I am
likely to use myself. I'm busy finishing graduate school and trying to
find work to pay the bills. Spending time on this without any necessary
financial return is kind of difficult to justify right now. I'm not
really sure how dual licensing schemes work but I'm wondering if anyone
on the list knows if it would be possible to release the product as GPL
for individual use but charge commercial and government agencies for it
so that I will eventually get paid for the work. Related to this is
what is release under the terms of the GPL. If for instance I was to
release the product to a few other individuals interested in testing,
making suggestions, possibly helping with developing small aspects, is
that considered a release of the software? Am I then bound by the terms
of the GPL to do a general release?

I'm sorry to disappoint those who've been waiting patiently. This
situation is deeply embarrassing to me and I apologize for not being
able to deliver. Another option would be to develop things a little
further so that people could see the direction it is going and there
would be enough for interested individuals to complete the software
into something useful. Right now I just feel really frustrated and am
unsure what is best. I'm open to suggestions.

Again I'm sorry for creating anticipation and failing to deliver.

Trevor Wiens 
twiens at interbaun.com

The significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same 
level of thinking we were at when we created them. 
(Albert Einstein)

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