[GRASSLIST:9212] Re: XY to Projection

RAVI KUMAR ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 24 00:16:05 EST 2005

ThanQ Maciek Sieczka 
  This works and we have been doing this to rescue, those vectors hurriedly done
  without projecting the raster before vectorisation.
  This is a solution, but 
  U export XY vector as a shape
  Then import it into a projected location, to do the job.
  I hope one day this will be simplified.
  Thanks again 
  Ravi Kumar
  Sorry for my previous email, my finger slipped and sent to soon.

Ok, so you have your unprojected vector layer digitised from an
unprojected raster map.

To project both do:

1. Project your raster map in Grass first (i.group, i.target, i.points,
2. Export the unprojected vector to a shapefile and import to the
destination location, where your projected raster is stored. The vector
won't fit yet to your projected raster - of course - but you will fix it
with v.transform in next setps.
3. In the "group" directory of you source location there is a file
"POINTS" which was created by i.points when calibarting raster. Format
those points according to NOTES from v.transform manual page. Save the
file in you home dir as, say, "ravi_points"
4. v.transform input=your_unprojected_vector output=projected_vector

Does this work (honestly, I haven't tried)?


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