[GRASSLIST:8500] Re: perimeter

Leonardo Lami lami at faunalia.it
Wed Oct 5 05:19:23 EDT 2005

Thi is the solution of Hamish.
You must make some changes to match it with your data but the result is very 

Thanks to Hamish



v.to.db was failing because my boundaries did not have cats, but back
to the central problem:

To make a report of the perimeters of all areas it takes the following,
which is not easy! (maybe a bit simpler with use of 'v.reclass rules=' ?)

# calc the coastline lengths of island groups
# (assume same fractal-depth; use for ratios only; yada, yada, yada)

# add categories to boundaries, starting with 1000 (something bigger
#  than number of existing cats for clarity).
v.category in=t_area out=t_area_lab_bdy type=boundary cat=1000 step=1

# export sides to a text file; keep only existing side
#  (areas do not touch so we can get away with this)
v.to.db t_area_lab_bdy -p op=sides col=l,r type=boundary | \
  sed -e 's/|-1//' | sed -e 1d > t_area_bdy.prn

# extract only boundaries
v.extract in=t_area_lab_bdy out=t_area_bdy type=boundary

# convert to lines (optional)
v.type in=t_area_bdy out=t_area_line type=boundary,line

# add new column to hold the original area's cat number
echo "ALTER TABLE $map ADD area_cat integer" | db.execute

# create SQL command file
cat t_area_bdy.prn | \
  awk -F'|' '{ printf("echo \"INSERT INTO $map (cat, area_cat) VALUES (%d, 
%d)\" | db.execute\n", $1, $2) }' \
    > t_area_bdy_exe

# run the SQL command file (populate with a series of db.execute commands)
. t_area_bdy_exe

# make a new vector using the area_cat column from 'v.to.db op=sides' as
#  the cat number
v.reclass in=t_area_line out=t_area_line2 column=area_cat

# copy original table to the new vector and connect it
db.copy from_table=t_area to_table=t_area_line2
v.db.connect map=t_area_line2 table=t_area_line2

# we now have a line vector file with the category numbers belonging to
#   the original touching area as the cat!

# calculate the perimeter length for each area into new cstln_mtr column
echo "ALTER TABLE t_area_line2 ADD cstln_mtr double" | db.execute
v.to.db t_area_line2 option=length col=cstln_mtr

#remove cruft
rm t_area_bdy.prn t_area_bdy_exe
g.remove v=t_area_bdy,t_area_lab_bdy,t_area_line

# print results
v.db.select t_area_line2 | sort -n

# output:
#1|island group 1|15829.356619
#2|island group 2|19672.841857
# success!


Alle 11:51, martedì 04 ottobre 2005, ivan marchesini ha scritto:
> Dear users...
> I have a simple question.... I hope...
> I have a map composed of areas and centroids...
> each centroid is connected to a record in a postgres table...
> but the boundaries don't have connection with the database table
> using v.to.db is really simple to upload the area value to the table,
> but how can I do to upload the perimeter of the area???
> I have tried with the length option but v.to.db try to upload the length
> of the centroid that obviously is 0...
> thank you for your answer...
> ivan

Leonardo Lami
lami at faunalia.it            www.faunalia.it
Via Colombo 3 - 51010 Massa e Cozzile (PT), Italy   Tel: (+39)349-1310164
GPG key @: hkp://wwwkeys.pgp.net http://www.pgp.net/wwwkeys.html

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