[GRASSLIST:8515] running r.gmtg

Klingseisen Bernhard Bernhard.Klingseisen at arcs.ac.at
Thu Oct 6 08:42:47 EDT 2005

Dear Grass users,


I have been trying to set up a groundwater modeling environment using
r.gmtg. Unfortunately I was not very successful as I'm getting a
segmentation fault (core dumped). I have tried grass 5.0.0 and 5.4. on
Cygwin and all the required files from Jaime Carrera. Now I want to
know, if anybody has used r.gmtg already and what you would suggest to
use as the most appropriate platform.


Any suggestions are very much appreciated.


Kind Regards


Bernhard Klingseisen


Bernhard Klingseisen

Biogenetics - Natural Resources - Water

ARC Seibersdorf Research GmbH

A - 2444 Seibersdorf

Tel: +43 (0) 50550 - 3361

email: bernhard.klingseisen at arcs.ac.at
<mailto:bernhard.klingseisen at arcs.ac.at> 

web: http://www.arcs.ac.at/UL/ULW <http://www.arcs.ac.at/UL/ULW> 


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