[GRASSLIST:8568] [Fwd: Changing scale of raster map]

Bruno GUILLAUME guib at aero.obs-mip.fr
Mon Oct 10 10:52:58 EDT 2005

Sorry if not clear enough:
"same amount in kilograms with finer and coarser resolution" meaning 
"same total amount with finer and coarser, suming over all grid cells".

 >Dear GRASS users,

 >My problem concerns a raster in lat-lon projection, having a given 
resolution of ewres1,nsres1. For every cell, the category value is 
 >expressed in kilogram.
 >I need to transform it into  the same grid but with coarser 
resolution, say ewres2=10*ewres1 and nsres2=10*nsres1, BUT the 
 >transformation need to be mass-conservative (so, I need to get exactly 
the same amount in kilograms with finer and coarser resolution).

 >Can I do in a simple way with GRASS ?

 >Thanks in advance,

 >Bruno Guillaume.

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From: Bruno GUILLAUME <guib at aero.obs-mip.fr>
Subject: [GRASSLIST:8567] Changing scale of raster map
Date: Mon, 10 Oct 2005 16:35:10 +0200
Size: 2681
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