[GRASSLIST:8584] problems creating maps using r.le.pixel

Andrew.Haywood at poyry.com.au Andrew.Haywood at poyry.com.au
Tue Oct 11 23:27:43 EDT 2005

Dear List,

I am having some problems using r.le.pixel on some sattelite imagery 
(raster called RR_2m.1). The raster I am analysing has ns and ew 
resolution of 2m and has 15030 rows and 4975 columns.  I have run 
r.le.setup and created the sampling units I want to sample (20*20 pixels 
starting in the top left hand corner). I then run the following command

r.le.pixel map=RR_2m.1 sam=u att=b1,b2,b3,b4 te2=t5 te1=m7

r.le.pixel runs and completes successfully but does not create any maps! 
Am I doing something wrong?

In the directory "r.le.out"  two files are created b1-4.out and t1-5.out. 
These files contain the information I want to put into a new map with 
resolution 40m by 40m (or 20pixels by 20 pixels). How can I convert these 
flatfiles into maps? In particularly I would like to create 9 new maps b1 
b2 b3 b4 b5 t1 t2 t3 t4 t5. Any suggestions how I can script out these 
flatfiles into maps would be greatly appreciated.



Andrew Haywood
Jaakko Pöyry Consulting

Level 5, 437 St Kilda Road
Melbourne VIC 3004
Tel +61 3 9867 2700
Fax +61 3 9867 2744
andrew.haywood at poyry.com.au
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