Brent Wood b.wood at niwa.co.nz
Sun Oct 16 16:23:47 EDT 2005

On Sun, 16 Oct 2005, Kurt Springs wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I have been looking at QGIS.  Does anyone use it?  I know grass pretty
> well, I was wondering if people thought it was useful to install it?

My 02c

I very occasionally use GRASS, I'd like to use it more, but the learning
curve is pretty steep & requires more time than I want to spend on it.

I use QGIS extensively, not as an analytical GIS, but as a tool for
browsing spatial datasets. Most of my data is stored in PostGIS, but I
also have imagery, Mapinfo & shapefile data. All these can be veiwed &
overlayed in QGIS with no import/reformatting etc.

The demonstrations and comments I have seen of QGIS as a GUI for GRASS
look impressive & positive. I believe it could open GRASS up to a new user
base of non-technical people who want to see/use spatial data.

Brent Wood

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