[GRASSLIST:8671] compiling grass 6.0.1 CVS,3rd

Manuel Seeger seeger at uni-trier.de
Tue Oct 18 09:18:00 EDT 2005

thank you again,

now I found it and look for the rest!


Dr. Manuel Seeger
Wiss. Assistent 			Scientific Assistant
Physische Geographie 			Dpt. of Physical Geography
FB VI - Geographie/Geowissenschaften 	Geography/Geosciences
Universität Trier			University of Trier
D - 54286 Trier
Tel.:	+49-651-201 4557
Fax:	+49-651-201 3976
Web:	http://www.uni-trier.de/uni/fb6/geographie/mitarbeiter/Seeger/

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