[GRASSLIST:8696] Re: Problems with the shared library libfftw.so.2 while installing Grass6.0

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Wed Oct 19 14:01:56 EDT 2005

Jose A. Ruiz Arias napisal(a):
> Hi everybody,
> I am trying to become a new Grass user. But firstly I'd need to get
> install it!
> While the installation from rpm files, (I run on Mandrake 10.2), I get
> an error message requesting the shared library libfftw.so.2. I have
> tried with different versions from www.fftw.org, (fftw-2.1.5.tar.gz and
> fftw-3.0.1.tar.gz)
 > , but I don't get the requested file but libfftw.la or
 > libfftw3.la, respectively. Obviously the problem is not fixed.
 > Does anybody know how to fix the problem?

You can find fftw2 rpm in Mandrake's contrib repository for. It works 
for me on Mandrake 10.2.


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