[GRASSLIST:8755] Re: install grass 6.0.1 under ubuntu 5.4

pmarc paulomarcondes at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 07:50:23 EDT 2005

2005/10/26, Maning Sambale <esambale at yahoo.com>:
> But, how can I install grass 6.0.1 under ubuntu 5.4?
> I'm trying the synpatic package manager and i can't
> seem to make the deb repository syntax correct?
> Please help.

Under debian, your /etc/apt/sources.list should look like

deb http://your.preferred.repo [stable|testing|unstable] main contrib non-free

it should be "almost" the same, except for the version's name.

Are you using the universe repo? Try that.
Paulo Marcondes

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