[GRASSLIST:8766] Re: r.support : GRASS 6.0.0 beta

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 26 19:24:55 EDT 2005

> Can anyone help me figure out why the command r.support in GRASS
> 6.0.0beta is  not found? Do I have to load this separately? If so,
> how? Thank you.

When 6.0.0beta was released r.support had not be ported yet. It is
present in the development version of GRASS (6.1-cvs).

If you wanted to compile the source code, you should be able to copy it
into the grass source directory stucture and run "make" as described in
the INSTALL file section on building your own modules. Probably easier to
just upgrade GRASS to the latest version if you are going to the

In general see this page for missing modules in GRASS 6:


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