[GRASSLIST:8781] Question about portability between distributions

David Van Vliet (personal) dvanvliet at gto.net
Thu Oct 27 14:08:24 EDT 2005

Hello Folks

I have SUSE10.0 installed and everything works wonderfully.  I originally
tried to install Fedora core 4, but after about 30 hours messing with my
monitor configuration (i.e. modeline hassles), I switched to SUSE and the
installation worked relatively flawlessly.

Although I wasn't sure if it worked, I tried to install the compiled
binaries for Fedora on my machine.  I am new to Linux and am ignorant about
issues regarding portability between distributions.  Grass does run (I get
to see Xwindows forms), but not surprisingly, I am getting lots of errors
'cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory' whenever I try
to execute a grass command.

So - I have the following questions

a) should I expect the Fedora binaries to work on Suse?

b) Any hints on how I can uninstall Grass from my system?

c) Does anybody have a version of Grass compiled for SUSE10.0?

d) Can anybody give me relatively straightforward instructions to compile
Grass myself?

thank you all for your help,

David Van Vliet, M.A.Sc., P.Eng.
AquaResource Inc.
Ph:   (519) 489-4585 (Canada)
Ph:   (267) 765-5644 (US)
Fax:  (519) 699-4982

Web: http://www.AquaResource.ca
eMail:  dvanvliet at AquaResource.ca

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