[GRASSLIST:8274] touching areas

ivan marchesini marchesini at unipg.it
Wed Sep 14 12:20:53 EDT 2005

dear users..
I have this problem:

I have a lot of areas in a vector map, each one which have a different
cat value

each area should not be touched by an other one. (they are querries
areas and there are no holes in the single querries)

but when I do v.build I obtain 477 aree and 476 isles...

this mean that there are two area toutching themself
 this is an error... I need only shared areas...

so, the question: how can I find the two touching areas automatically???

thanks for your answer...


Ivan Marchesini
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Perugia
Via G. Duranti 93/a 
Perugia (Italy)
e-mail: marchesini at unipg.it
        ivan.marchesini at gmail.com
tel: +39(0)755853760
fax: +39(0)755853756

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