[GRASSLIST:689] MIF import and thematic maps

Téglásy Örs orsteglasy at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 12 14:28:36 EDT 2006

Hi there, 
  Q1: I have a mif/mid layer imported into grass60 containing polygons. There is a table containig IDs for the polygons. And there is an MS Excel (xls) table containing IDs and RGB and CMYK values as the filling colour of those polygons. Mad enough I know, but is there a way to paint those polygons with the colour values described in the xls?
  Q2: Is there a way to import text from a MIF file? I tried it, but I cannot see anything!

  Téglásy Örs 
orsteglasy at yahoo.com 
+36 (20) 385-5928

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