[GRASSLIST:797] Re: Convertingh e00 file to shp??

Thomas Zastrow thomas.zastrow at uni-tuebingen.de
Fri Apr 21 05:44:55 EDT 2006

Matthew Perry wrote:

>On 4/21/06, Thomas Zastrow <thomas.zastrow at uni-tuebingen.de> wrote:
>>how can I convert a
>>e00-file into a shape-file?
>Try the avce00 library ( http://avce00.maptools.org/avce00/ ). It
>contains a utility called 'avcimport' which will convert the e00 to a
>arcinfo coverage. From there you can use ogr2ogr to convert to a
>shapefile if needed:
>avcimport input.e00 coverage
>ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" output.shp coverage/ arc
>* The last argument of ogr2ogr is the layer name; 'arc' in the case of
>lines, 'pal' in the case of polygons. I don't recall the layer name
>for points but an 'ogrinfo coverage/' will give you a list of the
>layer names contained in the coverage.
>Matt Perry
>perrygeo at gmail.com
Thank you, I've got it!!



Thomas Zastrow
Seminar fuer Sprachwissenschaft
Universitaet Tuebingen


Wilhelm Str. 19

D-72074 Tübingen

Tel.: 07071/29-73968
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