[GRASS-user] Re: [GRASS-dev] Changes to r.sun made Feb 2006
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 4 01:46:59 EST 2006
Dylan Beaudette wrote:
> I can think of a couple of things to be added to the manual page: much
> of which I would be happy to write.
may I suggest we prepare the draft in a Wiki page. A 28 page long man
page isn't useful (too much info to quickly find what you need). A
concise man page with a link to "the r.sun users' guide" (pdf/html)
would be much better IMO.
> > Did you extract the Linke turbidity values from the app. on the EU
> > web site, derive it from measured in situ values, or are you
> > tweaking that variable as a calibration to get r.sun to match your
> > measured radiation values?
> I used the 'rural' values from the r.sun manual page as a starting
> point, and then modified according to my observations of the local
> climate + tweaking to make r.sun match the weather station: i.e. i
> need a more robust approach!
I thought the SoDa page used to be linked from the r.sun page, but no
longer I guess as the link has changed.
Get local Linke values from the SoDa Solar radiation Databases
Java applet: (old link, no longer works)
SoDa Prototype -> Climatological Data & Derived -> Climatological Data
-> Monthly values of the Linke turbidity factor [double-click]
Now you extract local values with a PHP script:
info: (+ links to worldwide monthly maps)
the worldwide database was available for purchase, I'm not sure of the
current state of that.
other useful links:
Jaro's talk at the 2002 GRASS conference:
Video of the presentation:
> > I see you have a bit of sawtooth noise in your plots. FWIW to avoid
> > introducing this monthly jump I wrote a little app some time ago
> > which interpolated daily Linke value from the monthly Linke averages
> > (for use in r.sun bash script loop) [assume monthly averages are for
> > day 15 of each month and interpolate for the days in between]. I'd
> > have to dig it out, & it's probably a mix of Matlab+C. Maybe
> > something for the wiki add-ons.
> Indeed! I am using a constant value for the entire month. this
> approach is a step in the right direction, but introduces those
> sawtooth artifacts. Since I am working in R most of the time (for
> numerical operations at least), I think that i might implement it
> there, and then save the results for use in a bash script - which
> invokes r.sun.
> Did your code look something like this;
> # define monthly averages
> l <- c(5.9,5.8,5.6,5.6,5.3,5.0,4.8,5.0,5.0,5.2,5.4,5.6)
> # use periodic spline interpolation to fill in the 365 days of the
> # year
> l.s <- spline(l, method="periodic", n=365)
> # plot results:
> plot(l, xlab="month", ylab="Linke Turbidity")
> lines(l.s)
> note that this is not quite correct as it interpolates from the
> *start* of the month, as opposed to the middle. Doing that would
> require knowing the day of the middle of the month- i'll cook up that
> example shortly.
something like that (I don't understand much R syntax). I didn't bother
to figure out if the middle of the month was day 14|14.5|15|15.5, I just
figured day 15 was close enough -- we shouldn't fool ourselves into
thinking the interpolated values will be high precision data.
I am not familiar with "linke_monthly[1]=5.9" in bash. Is that legal??
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