[GRASSLIST:10122] Buffer and Anti Buffer

RAVI KUMAR ravivundavalli at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 2 07:47:33 EST 2006

  1. A line can grow into a polygon (area) by BUFFER
  This is what we have done for a vector layer that should have contained LINES
  as they wanted lines with some buffer to become POLYGONS (Areas)
  They are a Geology layer consisting dolerite dykes.
  2. Now there is an order to make all Dolerite Dykes to line features, from POLYGONS..
  Do we have to literally draw a median line in all these Dolerite Polygons 
  and make them lines..
  Or Pray.. is there a solution like ANTI-BUFFER..
  We would be happy to send a small vector layer with our problem of
  1. Layer with buffered dolerite dykes as POLYGONS..
  to any who would like to help us with a solution.
  Thanks in anticipation

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