[GRASSLIST:10170] Re: Display labels as integer only

Michael Peterman michaelp at sjgeophysics.com
Mon Feb 6 13:34:11 EST 2006

Hi Dylan,
thanks for helping out. The first line works but the second one returns 
an error:
SQL parser error in statement: update table points set mx_int = MX

Error in db_execute_immediate()


Dylan Beaudette wrote:

>On Thursday 02 February 2006 04:44 pm, Michael Peterman wrote:
>>I have a vector points file and I have labels for each point derived
>>from a floating-point attribute.  Is it possible to display the labels
>>as integer only?  For instance I have labels like 253.230000 and all I
>>want is 253.  Or is there a way to convert the attribute to integer?
>echo "alter table xxx add column new_label int" | db.execute
>echo "update table set new_label = old_label" | db.execute
>i know that this works with MySQL as an attribute storage DB, not sure about 
>the DBF method- but is is worth a try!

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