[GRASSLIST:9773] Converst lat/long to x,y

Michael Ash mash at econs.umass.edu
Mon Jan 9 16:01:25 EST 2006

Dear GRASSlist,

I am reposting an email to which I did not receive a response.  Here
is a very brief summary of the problem, and a longer description is

I would like to transform a set of lat/long maps to a new location on
an x,y basis using the following formula,
X = Radius*cos(Lat)*Long
Y = Lat * Radius
where Lat and Long are latitude and longitude (measured in radians)
and Radius is an earth's radius.  I know that there are problems
(datum, spheroid, non-preservation of area, etc.) with this model
(which measures x as arc length along a line of latitude from the
prime meridian and y as arc length along a line of longitude from the
equator), BUT this is what I want to do.

Is there an easy way to have GRASS go through every lat/long point in
a vector map and create a matching point in an x,y map USING A
SPECIFIED FORMULA?  I do not want to use v.transform (why stretch,
when I have a formula).

Thank you.
Michael Ash

Dear GRASSlist,

I am working with raster data that was converted from a lat/long basis
to an x,y basis with the following formula:

X = INT(Rad * cos(LatR) * LongR) / Cell) -AdjustX
Y = INT(LatD / YBand) - AdjustY

Rad = Earth's radius, 6366707.444 meters;
Cell = size of the grid cell: 1000 meters;
LatR = latitude of position in radians;
LongR = longitude of position in radians;
LatD = latitude of position in decimal degrees;
Yband = (180/(Radius * pi)) * CellSize;
AdjustX = 0.5 if latitude >0, -0.5 if latitude<0;
AdjustY = 0.5 if longitude >0, -0.5 if longitude<0;

(1) If I read the conversion correctly, X is the arc length along
lines of latitude from the prime meridian, and Y is the arc length
along lines of longitude from the equator.  The resulting x,y basis
maps for North America are strongly skewed from southwest to northeast
(because the X arc distance along a line of latitude is shorter for
more northern latitudes, right?) Are there any thoughts from the
GRASSLIST on the consequences of this conversion?

(2) I have several GRASS vector maps now on a lat/long basis (from the
US census) that I would like to convert to the same x,y basis, i.e.,
take every lat/long point in the map and convert it using the above
formula.  Is there a straightforward way to make this conversion in
GRASS?  I have read the documentation for v.transform (and v.proj and
several other possibilities) but it seems more complicated than I need
because it will stretch, etc., to make the transformation line up.  I
have an actual formula.  Is there any way to convert every point  on a
lat/long map to this x,y basis using the above formula?

I would like to try this conversion even if there are good GIS reasons
not to do it. Thank you very much.


Michael Ash

Michael Ash, Associate Professor
  of Economics and Public Policy
Department of Economics and CPPA
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel +1-413-545-6329 Fax +1-413-545-2921
Email mash at econs.umass.edu

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