[GRASSLIST:9800] Re: floating-point colorbar in ps.map

Michael Peterman michaelp at sjgeophysics.com
Wed Jan 11 19:39:36 EST 2006

I am using Grass6.0

This is the colortable command:
#______________________Raster Map
raster masked_mx
    colortable y
    where 0.5 0.5
    height 2
    fontsize 10

Here is the r.info results:

r.info map=masked_mx
 | Layer:    masked_mx                      Date: Fri Jan  6 16:35:21 
2006    |
 | Mapset:   1000N                          Login of Creator: mike        |
 | Location: 
GrassCrossSect                                                   |
 | DataBase: /home/mike/projects/Chignik_Weasel                           |
 | Title:    
 ( test_mx4 )                                                   |
 |   Type of Map:  raster              Number of Categories: 
255              |
 |   Data Type:    
FCELL                                                      |
 |   Rows:         
380                                                        |
 |   Columns:      
900                                                        |
 |   Total Cells:  
342000                                                     |
 |        Projection: UTM (zone 
0)                                            |
 |            N:        250    S:       -130   Res:     
1                     |
 |            E:       1800    W:        900   Res:     
1                     |
 |   Range of data:    min =  29.565027 max = 
103.208115                      |
 |   Data 
Source:                                                             |
 |    vector file 
test_s1                                                     |
 |   Data 
Description:                                                        |
 |    generated by 
v.surf.rst                                                 |
Comments:                                                                |
 |    tension=100.000000, 
smoothing=1.500000                                  |
 |    dnorm=863.770803, dmin=0.500000, 
zmult=1.000000                         |
 |    segmax=40, npmin=44, 
rmsdevi=17.001548                                  |
 |    zmin_data=23.290000, 
zmax_data=117.610000                               |
 |    zmin_int=29.565027, 
zmax_int=103.208114                                 |
k                                                                       |

what is your ps.map input file syntax

what does r.info say about your raster

which Grass version?


On wto, 2006-01-10 at 16:01 -0800, michaelp at sjgeophysics.com wrote:
 > Hi Everyone,
 > I am trying to add a colorbar with a color gradient to my ps.map
 > instructions.  My raster file is of type floating-point, and when I use
 > the d.legend command I get a nice, smooth colorbar. How do I create the
 > same type of colorbar in ps.map?  If I try to use the colortable command
 > in my ps.map script, all I get is:
 > GRASS_INFO_WARNING(8431,1): Your cats/ file is invalid. A cats/ file with
 > categories and labels is required for 'colortable' when using CELL
 > rasters. No colortable will be assigned to this output postscript file.
 > My cats file for this raster is as follows:
 > # 255 categories
 > 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
 > Any help appreciated.
 > Thanks, Mike.

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