[GRASSLIST:9909] Re: Procedure that I followed for installing GRASS mapserver

Siddhesh Bhatkar sid_grass at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 19 01:06:28 EST 2006

Hello Sir,
Nopes. We are not using the cvs snapshot.
We were using grass-5.0.2 (grass-5.0.2_src.tar.gz) in
the past. After which we recently began using grass5.3
(grass-5.3.0.tar.gz)for editing dems with our own
added modules.We soon going to shift to grass6.0.


--- Hamish <hamish_nospam at yahoo.com> wrote:

Thanks for the suggestion.Joining this group has
 really been very fruitful. Actually i have no
problems in loading GRASS6.0. I have already done it
successful on few of the other systems. But Since we r
currently using GRass5.3 for site maps that we have
with us,
i wanted to use mapserver with grass5.3 itself.
We will soon be shifting to GRASS 6.0 in the near

Note GRASS 5.3 is a development version. You should
probably be using
GRASS 5.4.0 which is the last stable release using
the old sites &
vector format. Or are you using the latest CVS from
the old grass/


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