[GRASSLIST:10051] Re: projection problems

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Mon Jan 30 13:12:23 EST 2006

On Jan 30, 2006, at 10:05 AM, Tom Russo wrote:

> Your v.info output shows what looks like valid UTM zone 15 data for
> Minnesota.  I can't tell you why your database has strange values  
> in it.
> I have not made much use of grass with postgres, so I don't have much
> experience to understand that process.  Whenever I do a v.in.ogr it  
> doesn't
> make a postgres table for me.

I started using postgres to handle attributes so that I could have  
access to sql querries. Here is what I do: First make location and  
mapset, then use db.connect to connect to postgresql database (the  
database needs to exist in postgres), then use v.in.ogr to read in  
shape files. The tables all get made automatically in the postgres  
database (just like they would in dbf is that was the database  
connection with db.connect).

Now here is what I think is going on with these damn files... tell me  
if this makes sense to you. The coordinates in the .shp file from the  
state are correct. This is why if I read the files in with v.in.ogr,  
they can be displayed with d.vect on top of an outline of the state  
is all looks fine. However, the y coordinates in the attribute file  
(which come from the dbf file that came with the .shp file from the  
state), are all messed up by some 4,700,206, plus or minus 0.5 (for  
god knows what reason).

Here is what I'm wondering... if the .shp file has the correct  
geography coordinates, is there some command that out write out those  
coordinates? If so, I could substitute the good y coordinates for the  
bad y coordinates in the attribute table. I assume if I use  
v.out.ogr, that just writes the attributes from the attribute table  
(including the weird y coordinates). true?


> Could you possibly put your shapefiles (with metadata) on a web  
> site or ftp
> site so that I can download them and take a look?
> -- 
> Tom Russo    KM5VY     SAR502  DM64ux         http://www.swcp.com/ 
> ~russo/
> Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1
>  "The only thing you can do easily is be wrong, and that's hardly
>   worth the effort." -- Norton Juster

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