Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Tue Jan 31 16:36:07 EST 2006


Ravi Kumar has recently mentioned GRDDS as some sort of alternative to
Grass. Searched for it and found at

Actually it seems to be a mixture of Grass 5.x code with some
custom additions and the old tcltkgrass. The added functionality are
scripts and programs focused mainly on Indic satellite imagery
processing and analysis. Some of the new commands are r.in.LISS3,
r.in.nrsa and r.in.pan, wetlandanalysis.tcl. I thought you might be
interested in this. This is supposed to work with Grass 6.01. Haven't
tried myself yet.


Target & Shane English School - kursy j?zyka angielskiego dofinansowane 
z Europejskiego Funduszu Spo?ecznego. 
www.target.edu.pl    ZAPRASZAMY!!! 

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