[GRASS-user] Question on how to import lat-long data into a lambert conic confromal location

Thomas Adams Thomas.Adams at noaa.gov
Sat Jul 1 12:06:31 EDT 2006


I know how to re-project from a lat/long location to a LCC location; 
that's not the question…

For the longest time the way I have imported lat-long data into a 
non-lat/long location was to import the data into a lat/long location 
and then reprojected the data into (say) a lambert conic confromal 
location. So, I would have to exit GRASS (and from my lat/long location) 
and then re-start GRASS, the 2nd time going into my LCC location. I 
believe there are more straight-forward ways to do this; but how? What I 
have been doing works just fine, but I'd like to improve my efficiency.

Any help is appreciated.


Thomas E Adams
National Weather Service
Ohio River Forecast Center
1901 South State Route 134
Wilmington, OH 45177

EMAIL:	thomas.adams at noaa.gov

VOICE:	937-383-0528
FAX:	937-383-0033

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