[GRASS-user] d.vect.thematic - dbf only?

Joel Pitt joel.pitt at gmail.com
Wed Jul 12 21:57:34 EDT 2006

Hi all,

I tried using d.vect.thematic today, but it fails when it tries to
read the dbf database resulting in the SQL statements being
incomplete. This isn't suprising though because the attribute table is
stored in a pqsql:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (world_clim):~ > v.db.connect -p sduo_land
Vector map <sduo_land> is connected by:
layer <1> table <aa_in_counties_full> in database
<host=localhost,dbname=grass> through driver <pg> with key <cat>

The output from d.vect.thematic:

GRASS 6.1.cvs (world_clim):~ > d.vect.thematic map=sduo_land
where="year>0" column=year layer=1

DBMI-DBF driver error:
Cannot open dbf database: host=localhost,dbname=grass

Thematic map legend for column year of map sduo_land

Value range:  -
Mapped by 4 intervals of -inf

Color(R:G:B)    Value
============    ==========
0:0:255          -
DBMI-Postgres driver error:
Cannot select:
SELECT cat FROM aa_in_counties_full WHERE year >=  and year<= AND year>0
ERROR:  operator does not exist: real >=
HINT:  No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You
may need to add explicit type casts.


Any body have any ideas? Does d.vect.thematic only work on DBF tables,
or is there anyway to tell d.vect.thematic to use pqsql?



"Wish not to seem, but to be, the best."
                -- Aeschylus

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