[GRASS-user] automated cropping of reprojected images

Trevor Wiens twiens at interbaun.com
Thu Jul 13 01:00:37 EDT 2006

I'm wondering if there is an easy way to crop reprojected images. In
this case it is for landsat images that will eventually be layed
together to cover most of Canada. Thus the extra space that is created
in rotating the images becomes an issue.

I tried importing, using r.null and then reprojecting, but when I
exported the file, it didn't make any difference. I also tried
creating a MASK to remove all NULL values, but this too was to no avail
upon export.

Any suggestions on how to tackle this would be appreciated.

Trevor Wiens 
twiens at interbaun.com

The significant problems that we face cannot be solved at the same 
level of thinking we were at when we created them. 
(Albert Einstein)

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