[GRASS-user] patching/merging vector maps and their tables

Maciej Sieczka tutey at o2.pl
Thu Jul 13 18:37:11 EDT 2006

Andreas Philipp napisa?(a):

> I have to patch a series of line vector maps together (adjacent tiles). Each 
> of the tiles is linked to an dbf table with a column of the same name and 
> type  for each map ("hgt" as double).
> Now I want to patch them together in order to perform v.surf.rst in one run.
> v.patch does not merge two tables (that's what "v.patch help" says) but copies 
> only the first table.

It doesn't say that. It says:

	$ v.patch help

	  -a   Append files to existing file
	  -e   Copy also attribute table. Only the table of layer 1 is
	currently supported

Which means that v.patch in Grass 6.1 will patch tables too (provided
that the structure of tables is the same) and -e is used. The reference
to "layer" is a Grass sense of this word - read:
http://grass.itc.it/grass61/manuals/html61_user/vectorintro.html under


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