[GRASS-user] Importing e00 and running m.in.e00

Alexandre Leroux alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca
Thu Jul 20 15:35:39 EDT 2006

Hi list,

I need import e00 files using Grass 6.0.2. When I look at the importing 
raster menu, I find nothing. Searching on the Internet made me aware of 
m.in.e00 (http://grass.itc.it/gdp/html_grass5/html/m.in.e00.html ) but 
when I try to run it from the command tool, I get this not found error 
"GRASS-GRID > m.in.e00   /bin/ksh: m.in.e00: not found".

GDAL does not support e00 files (http://gdal.org/formats_list.html).

I wanted to solve this simple issue myself and I'm sure this topic was 
discussed on many occasions, but I haven't found a way to search the 
list's archive (http://grass.itc.it/pipermail/grassuser/). I also took a 
look at the GRASS wiki without any luck.

Any clues?


Alexandre Leroux, M.Sc., Ing.
Environnement Canada / Environment Canada
Centre météorologique canadien / Canadian Meteorological Centre
Division de la réponse aux urgences environnementales /
Environmental Emergency Response Division
alexandre.leroux at ec.gc.ca

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