[GRASS-user] cva run time

gary lists at lazygranch.com
Fri Jul 21 18:08:45 EDT 2006

I've been running this CVA analysis for two days straight on an AMD64 
4400. The sites file contains one waypoint. The raster file is at 30 
meter resolution. I'd don't have the extents of the raster file handy, 
but the site is near the edge, so you can estimate that CVA is looking 
at a half circle 2000 meters out, which if I did my math correctly is 
about 14k cells. No virtual memory is required as the CPU has 3.2Gbytes 
of ram.

r.cva input=nev616 sites=mtstircsv2 output=mtstircva2 obs_elev=1.75
target_elev=0.0 max_dist=2000 seed=1 sample=10.0 type=sites curvc=0.0

Does the run time seem reasonable? CVA provides no estimate of progress.

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