[GRASS-user] Problem with v.surf.rst

José A. Ruiz Arias jararias at ujaen.es
Wed Jul 26 08:31:26 EDT 2006

Hi list,

I am trying to get a raster map interpolating from a vector file with 14
nodes by means of v.surf.rst.  I use GRASS 6.0.0 (according to
g.version). The steps I made were the nexts:

1. Create a Grass 3D vector file from an ASCII file using v.in.ascii.
The ASCII file (named kc.dat) is


where the first two columns are the coords, the third is the z-value and the last one a cat column.
Using the command

> cat kc.dat | v.in.ascii -z z=3 cat=4 out=kctest columns='x double, y double, z double, cat int' 

it seems there is no problem and the vector is created. Actually with v.info kctest I get the next info

> v.info kctest
 | Layer:    kctest                         Organization:                     |
 | Mapset:   joseantonio                    Source Date:                      |
 | Location: huenejaUTM100                  Name of creator:                  |
 | Database: /home/joseantonio/grassdata                                      |
 | Title:                                                                     |
 | Map Scale:  1:1                                                            |
 | Map format: native                                                         |
 |   Type of Map:  Vector (level: 2)                                          |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Number of points:       14              Number of areas:      0          |
 |   Number of lines:        0               Number of islands:    0          |
 |   Number of boundaries:   0               Number of faces:      0          |
 |   Number of centroids:    0               Number of kernels:    0          |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Map is 3D:              1                                                |
 |   Number of dblinks:      0                                                |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Projection: UTM (zone 30)                                                |
 |            N: 4116254.000    S: 4111107.000                                |
 |            E: 508391.000     W: 502130.000                                 |
 |            B: 0.230         T: 0.980                                       |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Digitize threshold: 0.00000                                              |
 |   Comments:                                                                |
 |                                                                            |

2. Set the region by means of

> g.region -p res=100

3. Interpolate with v.surf.rst getting the next error message:

> v.surf.rst input=kctest elev=kcsurface

Authors: original version -  H.Mitasova, L.Mitas, I. Kosinovsky, D.P. Gerdes
See manual pages for reference and publications T3

Percent complete: Loading data from attribute table ...
ERROR: Cannot get layer info

Someone knows where the problem is?

Thanks in advance,

José A. Ruiz
Departament of Physics
University of Jaen

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