[GRASS-user] r.in.onearth downloading problem

maning sambale emmanuel.sambale at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 04:02:02 EDT 2006

Dear list,

I can't make r.in.onearth to work.  Can someone please help out?
I'm currently using grass6.1cvs 8 under cygwin using hudae's binaries.
 I then downloaded wget for the r.in.onearth script.  I am behind a
proxy server in our office.  I suspect it maybe a proxy configuration
problem.  Any tips on how to do this?  I keep on googling but I can't
seem to get a straightforward answer.  I'm using cygwin primarily due
to GRASS so i'm not really good at cygwin configurations.

Here is the ouput log:
LatLong wgs84 bounding box = N 17.73687406 S 17.67114353 W
121.81056345 E 121.87773668

Will download and import LandsatTM Data with band Red

************** DOWNLOAD DATA ****************
Requesting Data from http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi
--15:55:00--  http://wms.jpl.nasa.gov/wms.cgi
           => `/home/grass_ppls/fragtest/.tmp/maning_personal/2660.0/Image_global_mosaic_base_Red_241_236'
Resolving wms.jpl.nasa.gov... failed: Unknown host.

wget was not able to download the data


Thank you in advance,

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