[GRASS-user] gdalwarp latlong to UTM
hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 15 23:32:27 EDT 2006
Gary wrote:
> I've tried using gdalwarp to convert from latlong to UTM. I used this
> format, as pulled from the remotesensing.org website:
> gdalwarp -t_srs '+proj=utm +zone=11 +datum=WGS84' raw_spot.tif
> utm11.tif
> After conversion, r.los believes the new file is still in latlon
> format. [I used the override option.] I tried using the -te option,
> but can't seem to get gdalwarp to accept it.
The general steps:
* create a new UTM location in GRASS.
* restart GRASS in that UTM location.
* "pull" the map over from the lat/lon location using r.proj.
* run r.los, etc.
In GRASS the location sets the projection info, not a single map's
meta-data. r.los won't work because you're still in a Lat/Lon location,
not a UTM one.
You only really need gdalwarp from within GRASS if you want hi-tech thin
plate spine warping or you want to automate a large batch process.
Otherwise you are just making extra work for yourself.
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