[GRASS-user] Success getting Grass running thanks to Ubuntu

Ian Allan iallan at geocode.com.au
Fri Jun 16 01:44:29 EDT 2006


Some may recall my plea for help last week. Finally I managed to compile 
under fedora 5, but still NVIZ woudl not work. I saw a couple of posts 
referring to Ubuntu linux and figuring I had nothing to lose I did a 
clean install of Ubuntu. I followed the instructions at  
http://help.nceas.ucsb.edu/index.php/GRASS_6_on_Ubuntu  and had 
immediate success. For new grass / linux   users I could not recommend 
this path more highly.

Many thanks to all those who helped.

Ian Allan


Ian Allan
Director Geocode Mapping and Analysis P/L
PO Box 2072
Edithvale VIC 3196 
Ph: + 61 3 9773 1232   Fax: + 61 3 9773 1232
Mob: 0429 941 527

Email: iallan at geocode.com.au
Web: www.geocode.com.au

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