[GRASS-user] best way to post results from v.net.steiner?

M S mseibel at gmail.com
Thu Jun 22 15:20:11 EDT 2006

i have a graphical out put that i would like to post as images in email, but
i'm not sure how this works on mailing lists, if attachments are
acceptable.  I would like to illustrate what i have done, and the logic
(which is apparently flawed) i used to run the function.

Additionally, i would like to provide the input parameters, and output from
v.net.steiner to see where i am going wrong.  i can easily paste that text
in the email, but not sure how to graphically illustrate my erroneous
results.  i am sure it is some way that i have constructed my input network
(user error) that is to blame.
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