[GRASS-user] Using shapefiles

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Sat Jun 24 18:41:12 EDT 2006

I haven't tried this, but you might find v.in.ogr works for you.


On 24-Jun-06, at 3:10 PM, Jose Gomez-Dans wrote:

> Hi!
> I have used GRASS for analysing raster data before, and found it  
> very useful. Howeve, I am at a loss at what the best way to import  
> a shapefile and display it. I have tried a simple shapefile (<800  
> polygons), and the import stage takes a long time ( 6.0.1), close  
> to 10 minutes. Is there a step-by-step guide on how to quickly  
> import a shapefile (whose extent you don't know), and display it?
> Cheers!
> jose
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