[GRASS-user] initiating into grass world, help!

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Wed Jun 28 22:22:55 EDT 2006

On 28-Jun-06, at 6:27 PM, Ana Isabel Rodríguez wrote:
> hello i'm starting using grass and i would like to know which kind  
> of maps i can use, i only have sone images "*.tif" and grass can't  
> open them. Please i don't know what does raster and vector means,  
> and i don't know where to find the maps of my country i need for my  
> project.

Hi Ana,
Raster - is a term the usually means image or digital photographs.   
Vector - is a way of drawing shapes, like line or polygons or even  
just individual points.  Your TIFF files are a type of raster data.   
I don't have GRASS handy, but you will need to use a raster import  

There are some global datasets that likely cover your country (what  
country is it?).  Tell us more and maybe someone else on this mailing  
list will have your answer.

Good luck,

My blog: http://spatialguru.com
My book: http://oreilly.com/catalog/webmapping

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