[GRASS-user] GRASS 6.0.2 Debian binaries: when?

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 30 01:36:23 EDT 2006

Alexandre Leroux wrote:
> I'm new to the list and GRASS. I seriously want to start using GRASS
> on  a regular basis, however, I need "stable" Debian GRASS packages
> (our IT  dept won't install the testing or unstable ones :-). Anyone
> has an idea  when GRASS 6.0.2 will be stable for Debian? I'd rather
> not install 6.0.0  unless it's going to take a long time for 6.0.2 to
> go stable.

Debian/Stable (aka 3.1, Sarge) was released with GRASS 6.0.0. It won't
be upgraded; only critical (security/bad data corruption) bug fixes will
be released.

Some time at the end of the year Debian will release it's next stable
version (Etch) which will include whatever version of GRASS exists in
Testing at that point.

If you wish to use something newer on Debian/Stable you do have some
options however:

1) The DebianGIS project has backported GRASS 6.0.2 for Debian/stable.
In addition they have prepared GRASS 6.1-cvs snapshot packages*.
see  http://pkg-grass.alioth.debian.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl

[*] 6.1 package is called: grass_6.0.1+cvs20060309-0.dgis.stable.1_i386.deb

I use Debian/stable and have backported some other GIS packages. These
should really be uploaded to the DebianGIS repository but for now they
live here:  http://hamish.bowman.googlepages.com/debiangisfiles

2) compile it yourself. instructions for doing this on Debian here:


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