[GRASSLIST:10698] Limit to length of text in ps.map?

Michael Peterman michaelp at sjgeophysics.com
Thu Mar 2 16:22:32 EST 2006

Hi all,

When I use a the text command in ps.map with a long text string I get 
"illegal text request." Is there a limit to the length of the text 
string it can handle?

sample code:

text 386000.00 6849575.00 Fence Types: \n Rabbit:  Regional rabbit-proof 
fence - Steel mesh, buried into ground.\n Dingo: Similar to rabbit 
fence, steel mesh to ground, but variably buried. Wooden posts \n 
Mixed-type fence: At least 1 of every 3 to 5 posts are steel.  Steel 
wire. \n Wood:  Steel wire fence, wooden posts.  Some grounded posts may 
replace wooden ones. \n Other Features:\n Phone Line:  Above-ground 
telephone line (wooden poles).\n Power Line:  Local power line (low to 
medium voltage), wooden poles.\n Scrap Metal:  Piles of scrap metal (old 
fencing bales, cars, sheet metal, etc.)\n Pond: Dammed cattle ponds. \n 
Ditch Crossing: Drainage/cattle ditches - shallow, standing water.
    color black
    width 0.5
    background white
    border black
    size 18.0
    ref lower left
    opaque y

michaelp at sjgeophysics.com

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