[GRASSLIST:10709] (no subject)

Klecskó Bernadett bernadett.klecsko at geohidroterv.hu
Fri Mar 3 08:35:07 EST 2006


I have "some"  questions about GRASS 6.1.:

1. I made a raster file which is a surface and I made a vector file, which 
contain the datapoints of this surface. I woluld like to add some new points 
for the database with  command v.digit, but it couldn't add value of point of 
surface, just added coordinates and categories.How can I make a database with 
v.digit, which contain x,y coordinates and  value of surface?

2.how can I print from NVIZ?

3.how can I joint the surface, vector lines and volumes in NVIZ with 


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