[GRASSLIST:301] Re: r.out.gdal problem

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 21 21:40:22 EST 2006

> Wolfgang:
> > Int32 gives very unrealistic colors see
> > http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~s0167070/grass/a1.tif
> > Int16 gives grayscale

r.out.gdal (ie GDAL) won't write out a color table for more than 256
colors as the header file of the GeoTIFF gets too huge. (1 rule per

Save as three 256-level greyscale images; one each for the red, green,
and blue bands.

> I think, using f.e. ERDAS/Img (HFA) as output format gives you a
> correct color table for the data with more than 8bit.

(try it)


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