[GRASSLIST:459] Re: Re: grass programming

Glynn Clements glynn at gclements.plus.com
Tue Mar 28 13:43:43 EST 2006

Ana Soares wrote:

> Thank you for answering :)
> So let me see if I understood : you can only use GRASS 's GIS library and
> such in grass environnment, after launching it ($ grass).
> There is no way (besides SWIG) that I can use GRASS's structure and
> abilities for a specific purpose program without launching GRASS ? I mean,
> everytime I want touse GIS library I have t launch GRASS ?

The GRASS libraries require certain environment variables to be set,
primarily GISBASE and GISRC. GISBASE is needs to contain the path to
the root of the GRASS installation. GISRC needs to contain the path to
a file which will hold various operating parameters (primarily the
database directory, location and mapset).

Look at the script etc/Init.sh in the GRASS installation for more

Glynn Clements <glynn at gclements.plus.com>

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