[GRASSLIST:472] Last Step on creating axis between 2 lines...

Luca Casagrande luca.casagrande at gmail.com
Wed Mar 29 12:29:05 EST 2006

Hi guys!
Using a buffer very big, one very small and then v.overlay, I reached this 
result trying to found the axis between 2 lines:


The last step (then r.thin,r.to.vect and v.clean it's not a problem...) is to 
extract just the area inside the 2 lines, but i don't know how to do it...
Both the one inside and the one outside are from same layer (very big buffer)
Any Idea?

"E' molto più bello sapere qualcosa di tutto, che tutto di una cosa (Blaise 

GENTOO-GIS Development Team
jabber: casagrande at jabber.linux.it


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