[GRASSLIST:401] Re: v.clean and snap feature...

Luca Casagrande luca.casagrande at gmail.com
Sat May 27 06:44:19 EDT 2006

Alle 07:49, lunedì 27 marzo 2006, hai scritto:
> I don't think so. It should not be difficult to write such function.
> If you don't want to program you can put points on nodes (v.net)

Ok done...now i have got a points vector layer with all the nodes of my 

> then extract only tho points with one line (v.net, v.extract)

don't understand this part...I have read the v.net manual and i think that is 
the report flag to use it, but don't understand what is it for..

> and then connect the points under certain treshold (v.distance link=)
> and patch back.

What is the link option?
Reading through the manual, i found this:
v.distance -p from=punti_estratti to=linee_spezzate out=connections 
upload=dist column=dist

Thx for all

> Radim

"E' molto più bello sapere qualcosa di tutto, che tutto di una cosa (Blaise 

GENTOO-GIS Development Team
jabber: casagrande at jabber.linux.it


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