[GRASSLIST:1015] Re: NVIZ: 1m topo map over an SRTM

Maciek Sieczka werchowyna at epf.pl
Fri May 5 08:48:38 EDT 2006

On Fri, 5 May 2006 13:22:09 +0200
Markus Neteler <neteler at itc.it> wrote:

> On Fri, May 05, 2006 at 12:45:11PM +0200, Maciek Sieczka wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Would it be possiblle to display a topo map of resolution 1m over
> > an 90m DEM, preserving both the full map resolution and the smooth
> > surface experience, not having to resample DEM to 1m first?
> > 
> > I can't find such a functionality in NVIZ, but maybe it is hidden
> > somewher deep there?
> > 
> > Any ideas?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> Maciek,
> g.region rast=topo -p
> nviz srtm col=topo
> BUT: will look horrible (nice stairs).

I know.

> So resampling is needed:
> g.region rast=topo 
> r.resamp.rst srtm ... ew=1 ns=1
> g.region rast=topo -p
> nviz srtm_1m col=topo

That's what I want to avoid :).

Other words:

I want to display a 1m topo draped over a 90m DEM. Without having to
resample 90m to 1m first but avoiding "nice stairs" too.

Like if DEM was an object and the topo was a texture. Like in our
favorite computer games.



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