[GRASSLIST:1028] patched rasters
Stuart Edwards
sedwards2 at cinci.rr.com
Sat May 6 10:24:03 EDT 2006
Curious problem with r.patch. I'm patching two topo maps and which
ever one is identified second will appear blurred on the new
composite image (see patch1). However, if I display them
independently on the same monitor, both maps are just fine (see
display1). It looks like a resolution problem, but the resolution is
constant (10m) in the regions used for the original and patched maps.
Maps were purchased as scanned tif images and georeferenced using
the lat/long coordinates at the corners (converted to UTM). The same
coordinates were then used to create a vector 'frame' that was
converted to a mask in order to trim off the edges. Any help with
cleaning up the patched map would be appreciated.
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