[GRASS-user] representing missing values (attributes) in vector/site point data

Suprit Kumar suprit at nio.org
Tue May 16 03:17:08 EDT 2006

Dear GRASS users,

I am using v.vol.rst module for spatial interpolation of monthly rainfall 
values obtained from rain-gauge stations.
I am using module v.in.sites (or v.in.ascii) module to create the vector point 
map of station station rainfall. 

We don't have values for rainfall at all stations all the time.  I want to 
know how can I represent missing values of rainfall (attributes) in a vector 
map so that these points are left in interpolation.  
(One way to do that is leave that point altogether from vector map, but I 
don't want do that as i am interested in looking CV errors at each of the 

Thanks in advance,

With regards,

Suprit kumar                                 
Research Fellow
Physical Oceanography Division
National Institute of Oceanography
Dona Paula 403 004 Goa, India.


Tel : +91-(0)832-2450-400

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