FW: [GRASS-user] python interface

Hamish hamish_nospam at yahoo.com
Thu May 18 00:10:06 EDT 2006

> > Unfortunately, Python doesn't have a SWIG interface yet to the GRASS
> > 
> > API, so it cannot interface with GRASS at a more atomic level.
> > Currently, you can only do that with C. I think once, the C API 
> > settles down I will try my hand at creating a SWIG interface to
> > GRASS. My vision is to have a simplified object model that would
> > allow  non-experts to program cool tools for GRASS.
> You may find Thomas Heller's ctypes module of interest, certainly as a
> prototyping tool if not in heavy duty usage (where a fully integrated 
> extension will have better performance).
> See http://starship.python.net/crew/theller/ctypes/
> It works on Windows, OS/X, Solaris and Linux/*BSD at least (not sure 
> about Cygwin), and will be included with Python 2.5 when that is 
> released later this year.  There are tools that can compile pure 
> Python modules from C header files for use with ctypes, though at 
> the moment these are a bit fiddly to get installed (see the 
> codegenerator page on the above site).

It will be interesting to see what new things can be built with the SWIG
interface when combined with the GRASS MinGW Windows port.


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