[GRASS-user] Windows 2000 cygwin troubles

Brandon M. Gabler bgabler at email.arizona.edu
Sat May 20 13:53:43 EDT 2006

Hey all,

I'm 100% new to GRASS, and just installed it via Cygwin onto my Windows 2000

The problem is, after installing the Xfree86 base package for cygwin, the
grass package, and copying over the grass60.bat file for startup, it's not
working. The cygwin/X server system tray icon appears, the black command
window pops up stating "Startxwin.bat - starting on windows 98/2000/xp",
then a grass60 black window pops up and immediately disappears. That's the
end of it. The cygwin/X server remains in the systray still functioning, but
GRASS does nothing.

I have been using Cygwin for a few months now on this machine to run Swarm
2.2, with no problems at all.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

I thank you all in advance,

Brandon M. Gabler
Research Associate
Doctoral Student
Department of Anthropology
University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona 85721

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