[GRASS-user] [GRASSLIST:1086] GRASS on Win98. Out of environment space. GRASS Monitor not opening

Rochelle MIranda r0chelle_miranda at yahoo.com
Wed May 31 00:21:51 EDT 2006

Hello GRASS users

 I have recently installed GRASS6 on win 98 systems using the 
cygwin environment by creating a CD from iso file. It works fine on all systems.
 however on one of the system it doesnt work fine.
 i get the following error
 "Out of environment space"
 Also all the GRASS commands works fine.
 But d.mon  doesnt open up a monitor.
 It opens the monitor only for a split second 
and then the monitor closes.
 Kindly help
 I read archives to find the following 

 - Click on the MS-DOS prompt icon to get a shell window. 
- Click on the fifth button from the left--the one that has a 
 tool tip when you hover over it with the mouse.
 - Click on the "Memory" tab.
 - In "Initial Environment", change the selection from "Auto" 
  to "4096" - Click "Ok".
 - You'll get a warning dialog "The changes made to memory setting(s)
 will not take effect until you restart the program". Click "Ok" to dismiss that dialog.
 - Close the shell window.
 - Click on the MS-DOS prompt icon again to get a new shell window. Run
 BlueJ from that window.
 - From now on, all new shell windows will have the increased environment

Pls send any  suggestions to make my GRASS monitor open
and also to remove the out of environment space error



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