[GRASS-user] Springer Encyclopedia of GIS, GRASS entry

Mark Lake mark.lake at ucl.ac.uk
Thu Nov 9 06:35:15 EST 2006

Dear All,
> I think we should not take this to lightly.
> It is of * great * importance to place open source GIS and
> geodata infrastructures in this book, as this looks like it could
> evolve into a widely circulated reference.

No doubt about that, but I'm hopelessly overcommitted at the moment  
with outstanding work.  I might be able to contribute to a Wiki, or a  
specific paragraph or too if there's something others think I'm in a  
particularly strong position to contribute.


Dr Mark Lake

Institute of Archaeology
University College London
31-34 Gordon Square
London.  WC1H 0PY

Tel: +44 (0)207 679 7495
Fax: +44 (0)207 383 2572

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